Jama Jurabaev

Presenting | Portfolio Reviews
Jama is from Tajikistan. He a professional concept artist, illustrator and a matte painter, currently working for the movie and games industry in London. He has recently worked on movies such as Star Wars, Aladdin, Ready Player One, Jurassic World and many others.

Participant Schedule

Friday 10/14


Jama Jurabaev Portfolio Review

Friday 10/14 3:30PM - 4:30PM Portfolio Review Station 7

Jama Jurabaev

Sunday 10/16


AAA: Art, Artists and AI.

Sunday 10/16 2:00PM - 3:00PM Room 214

Jama Jurabaev

In this talk Jama will talk about how the industry is being affected as the technology around us is evolving and so do we as artists.
What is the future for artists might look like? Will it be a struggle or a happy and creative collaboration between man and machine?